Heart of the Wild
When understanding why this name was chosen to represent our company, it can only be described as our belief and passion for how we feel about wildlife and their environment.
As people go about their daily lives, there is no thought for the powerful emotion and life of wild animals. Humans have very little impact on their survival and existence. Our vision and mission explain it all.
Our vision, through tourism and our knowledge, is to help you understand and learn the heartbeat of the African Wild, from the powerful waves of our beautiful ocean shores to the incredible yet unpredictable bushveld.
We feel very strongly about the sustainability and the heart of all fauna and flora; their ecosystems and the impact we have on them.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to give you an exceptional bushveld experience by providing insight into the wildlife viewed. We aim to give an experience that is true to nature and the values we hold. Education through sustainability. “Take only pictures, leave only footprints” is a quote we believe is the true Heart of what we aim to do.