It was so great having John and Peggy all the way from Australia as our guests today. It had been a hot day in Pilanesberg and we had a lot of fun.

Peggy is not very mobile and therefore Bakgatla Safaris were absolutely great on the morning drive. Jafta is an absolutely amazing guide and John and Peggy really enjoyed his guiding. Jafta certainly knows the park and animals when it comes to guiding. Thank you Bakgalta Safaris for arranging for Peggy to sit in the front as per our request.

We had an absolutely amazing morning with our guests seeing lions, elephants, hippos, and many more different animals in Pilanesberg. We were able to capture some great pictures. Above all: Malachite Kingfisher, Black Shouldered Kite, Giraffes, Elephants, Rhino. A Rock Monitor sitting in a tree at the Ratlhogo walkway and as a result gave us quite a show. A hippo with a terrapin on its back and a Brown Hyena walking in the distance.

Pilanesberg Center is always a treat as it is in the open with a great waterhole and plenty of visiting animals. Here we had a relaxing and enjoyable lunch. After lunch, we headed out Bakubung Gate and took our guests to Sun City. We went to have a look around at the architecture and show them the amazing statues and fountains. We took them to the valley of waves so they could see how it works. Unfortunately, it was shut down for maintenance. We headed off to the casino for a bit of gambling. Peggy walked out with triple what she started off with.

All in all, the day turned out amazing today and we can’t wait to take our next guests to Pilanesberg soon.

To book your tour with us today, contact us here or send us an email to for your customized tour.